Storytelling Resources

These extensive resources are currently being restored from the old website, and many of the links don’t work yet – sorry! – check for more soon.

Comprehensive collections, for storytellers, of articles, links, and information on the oral tradition and the art of storytelling – compiled by Tim Sheppard.

The Storytelling FAQ

The official Storytelling Frequently Asked Questions. Advice, resources, and information in abundance. The FAQ is the internet’s first port of call for information, contacts, and general orientation on the whole subject of storytelling.
Books for Storytellers

Here is a major booklist of over 70 titles, each annotated with comments, often from several different storytellers, to give a reliable guide to which books will suit you.
Storytelling Links
The biggest collection of storytelling resources on the web, annotated and categorised for easy reference.
Story LinksA vast treasure house of links to stories of every kind
GalleryStorytelling in action, from various cultures
Tim SheppardWho?

After many adventures, this extensive site is being rebuilt and updated! Meanwhile please forgive any dead links